


“By Dan Jenkins” Documentary is Official Selection of Austin Film Festival

  We’re excited to announce that By Dan Jenkins, our documentary film about a long, tall Texan who changed the game of sports writing, is an Official Selection of the 2018 Austin Film Festival! Synopsis: At the age of 88, legendary sports writer and author Dan Jenkins sets off on a cross-country roadtrip to cover […]

Widespread licenses EPIC motorcycle crash footage to TruTV

Widespread licenses EPIC motorcycle crash footage to TruTV

Filming “Night of Destruction” at Rockford Speedway

Filming “Night of Destruction” at Rockford Speedway

When daredevil Dr. Danger promises a “Night of Destruction,” you know you’re in for one rockin’ time and Widespread Creative will be there to film it.  Thanks to the good Dr. and the team at Rockford Speedway in Rockford, IL for putting on a hell of a show and allowing us to document the insanity. […]

Filming Speedweek in the Bonneville Salt Flats

Filming Speedweek in the Bonneville Salt Flats

We traveled to the Bonneville Salt Flats to film Bobby Moore attempt to break the 409 mph record in his state-of-the-art streamliner, the “Maro Special.”

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